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Let’s go to the ball!

And here we go again! The ball season has officially begun! Just like every year, the first three months of the year are a period of dresses and balls. It is the time when salons are full and busy with helping women choosing dresses for their events. Maturitní plesy, myslivecké bály, či jiné gala večery, při kterých máte šanci obléknout pořádnou róbu, tak mají jedno společné – všechny ženy chtějí obléknout, co nejvíce lichotivé šaty a vypadat báječně. Whether you’re going to a larger or smaller event, it’s definitely worth the preparation.

One of the most important elements is the choice of the right dress. Forget about too revealing models and more than short skirts – you want to look elegant above all. For such events it is appropriate to choose flattering long dresses, in which you’ll feel comfortable and which will make easy to move while wearing them. Simply those in which you can dance all night long!

There are many places throughout Czech Republic where you won’t be able to choose which dress you like more.

If you’re looking for something really unique, we recommend visiting the Ngalinh Bridal salon, where even the most demanding will find something. You can find it in Prague’s Pankrác and Plzeň.

Another salon that our Lifties team can recommend is the Delta Salon, which you can find in Most and Chomutov.

The only obstacle for some women could be the fact that many dresses simply can’t be worn without a bra. In this case, it’s perfect to reach for a really reliable invisible bra, which can be created by Lifties breast tapes. These tapes will create a firm neckline even in the most demanding models and especially for all cup sizes. So women can easily choose dresses with bare backs, spaghetti straps or atypical necklines and cutouts.

If you have any other recommendations on where to find the most beautiful dresses throughout the Czech Republic we will be happy when you contribute your comments!